Scio Flyers Club Rules for Scio Field
- Pilots should stand on or near one of the 5 stones on the Flight Line. (Maximum of 5 planes in the air at one time.)
- No flying before 9:00 a.m.
- No flying over the Flight Line. (This includes an imaginary line that runs east and west for the entire length of the flying field.)
- No flying over the Scio Township Hall or parking lot. Also no flying within 25 feet of the flight line or directly at the flight line.
- Hand launching and landings should not put other pilots on the flight line in jeopardy.
- No flying closer than one half the distance toward the fire station, the farm house, the school, and the houses to the west.
- All touch and goes and high speed passes should be no closer then the center line of the field or beyond the center line.
- Pilots only beyond the frequency board.
- All gas or glow engines must meet the 92 db standard.
- 72 MHz Frequency flags must be used and displayed on transmitters before turning on power. Flags are not needed on 2.4 GHz.
- Helicopter flying- No flying within 25 feet from the flight line. Pilots will be allowed to move forward beyond the flight line if no other pilots are flying.
- Model rocketry is not allowed.
- Operating model aircraft while under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants, consuming alcohol or other intoxicants on the field property is strictly prohibited.